Run.Walk.Roll with your DOG "POSTPONED TO 2026"

Aloha family, our founder believes that a dog is a man's best friend, right?
We contend that in reality, a dog is a runner's best friend. Think about it. As happy as he is to see you when you come home, isn't he even happier when he sees that leash?
For those of you who have never taken your dog out for a jog, you're seriously missing out (and so is your pooch)!
PGB Corporate 5K Gold Star "ALOHA RUN & K9 Edition", is a dog friendly event, for the 2025 edition we are welcoming the first 30 dogs to participate in the 5K with their owners.
5 Reasons to Run with Your Dog. (by Kelsey Sharon)
In hopes to convince you to make your best friend your new running buddy, here are five reasons why running with your dog is the best idea.
1. They give you an excuse to take a break.
Dogs aren’t the best at planning their day. They’re more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants, do-whatever-they-want-when-the-fancy-strikes kinda animal. Because of their lack of foresight, they inevitably must poop during the run. This habit gives you a convenient excuse to take a break while you wait for them to finish their biz. Any break is always welcome – or maybe that’s just me.
2. They push (aka pull you) on the run.
I don’t know about you, but my dog is faster than me…by like a lot – a lot, a lot. I’ve run some of my fastest splits with her because she constantly wants to go, go, go. There’s no excuse to stop with a steam engine propelling you forward.
3. They motivate you to start.
My pup is one smart pooch. She knows which shoes are my running shoes and which are for grocery-store runs. She’s also gotten to the point where she can hear me getting ready in my room and waits for me at the bottom of the stairs. The problem (for me at least) comes when she thinks I’m getting ready for a run when I’m not. I’ll come down the stairs to an excited pup and…no running shoes…. Sad dogs are the pits, so I’ll get the right shoes and take her for a run after all.
4. They make you meet new people (and dogs).
My pup has beautiful coloring (the most beautiful in my mind). People are forever stopping me to ask me what kind of dog she is. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve met because of her!
5. Finally, they make it fun.
There is nothing more fun than a happy puppy. After every run, there she is – tongue out, enjoying’ the wind from the open window of my car as we drive home. I’m unashamed to say I’m firmly in the “cat-person” camp, but when it comes to my runs, I need a dog by my side. Life is more fun with a happy-go-lucky attitude like your puppy’s.
So, here’s to all the dogs out there hitting the pavement at the "ALOHA RUN & K9 Edition" event with their runner pals. Man’s best friend? Definitely. But a runner’s best friend? Even more so, because who else can identify with that wide-eyed, beauty-seeking attitude of a runner better than a dog? Anyone else run with your dog? What are some of your reasons or your best stories?
Important Information
1-All dogs participating must be current on their rabies vaccine.
2-All dogs participating should be friendly towards other dogs, children and adults.
3-All dogs must participate with a leash at all times.
Join us for our 1st ever 5K-9 Fun Run hosted by PGB. This will be a family friendly event which includes your dogs, because we all know dogs are family too. We hope you take part in the beginning of something great and we look forward to seeing you!